
 Grace Upon Grace.

The other day I was driving and the radio was playing quietly in the background. I wasn’t really paying attention to it until I heard the words “Your grace for me is always enough.” It was one of those moments where a shiver goes through your whole body and you get super overwhelmed with emotion. A “hey God, I know that’s you speaking directly to me” moment. Lately I feel like the word grace or the topic of grace has been popping up everywhere. In every second quote I find on Pinterest, each time that I shuffle my music library, in the sermons at church on Sundays.

As someone born as a bit of a perfectionist and with the intense desire to constantly please the people around me, I would often find myself doing the same thing when it comes to my faith. I felt that I had to earn grace, that I needed to “work harder” or “do a little more” in order to have God’s approval. But that path of thinking planted so many doubts inside of my mind and left me feeling exhausted because I had to strain myself to meet this level of perfection that I simply could not.

There is a verse in the first chapter of John that states “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” (1:16, ESV) As human beings, we are destined to stumble sometimes. We are physically unable to meet perfection. But from Christ’s fullness, we have been given all the grace that we need.  And so if we are going through life constantly trying to earn this grace, it is like we are putting ourselves at a higher tribunal than God himself. As if we are saying that He is not enough and that we must do it for ourselves.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (‭‭2 Corinthians ‭12:9‬, NIV)

This is the verse that I am choosing to constantly stand on. His grace is enough and we no longer need to hold ourselves to a standard of perfection. It is unearned, it is unmerited, it is unexplainable, but it is oh so flawless & wonderful. His grace covers you completely. Never ever forget that.

♡ Britt


ps. in case you were interested, here’s the song☻: Aaron Shust – No One Higher

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